PROJECT PLASTIC finalist: Adaptation to meet the goals of the EU 2018 Directive for Plastics in Circular Economy

The project identifies the barriers, drivers and practices for how the Danish Plastic Industry to engage in Circular Economy which contributes to the discussion of a greener and more sustainable industry where more plastics are recycled and reused. We found that no academic articles addressed this with the use of a case study in a Danish context.

 Projektet “Adaptation to meet the goals of the EU 2018 Directive for Plastics in Circular Economy” er udvalgt som et af de fem projekter, der skal præsenteres på Plastic Engineering Day.

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Projektet er udarbejdet af: Liv Strunge Woller, Line Mørk Andersen og Kristine Wilhelm Lund, som alle er MSc Engineering Operations Management studerende på SDU.

Based on these findings and the European Directive for plastics in a Circular Economy from January 2018, a multiple qualitative case study of three Danish plastic manufacturers is conducted.

The motivation for the project was to identify how Danish Plastic manufactures can become more sustainable and ensure a more optimal use of plastics in the future where recycling and reuse of plastics becomes the norm.

It was investigated how the case companies are addressing the concept of Circular Economy and what is keeping them from, or driving them to engaging more in Circular Economy. It also identified what activities the companies are already engaging in, which are all operationally realistic and can be adapted by other companies in the industry.

It was found that the main barriers for all three companies to work more with Circular Economy are the high price of recycled raw material, the low amounts of recycled material available and the often low quality of the recycled material.

Hvilke type(r) af plast anvendes i løsningen?

The project adresses Circular Economy of both thermoplast and thermosets. the three case companies produce food packaging, wrap film and composites for the wind industry.

Universitet og projektets akademiske ramme:

2nd Semester project | 10 ECTS
MSc. Engineering – Operations Management, University of Southern Denmark


Yderligere info:

Liv Strunge Woller:
Line Mørk Andersen:
Kristine Wilhelm Lund:

PROJECT PLASTIC is a talent competition for engineering students. The purpose is to celebrate the talented students that as part of their degree lead the way in how to use plastic materials to create innovative solutions. The competition is being administrated by The Danish Plastics Federation/ Plastindustrien.

Read more about PROJECT PLASTIC here

The 5 best candidates for PROJECT PLASTIC 2019